Rodin's Drawings and Watercolors
Here are a few of Rodin's watercolors to see how fluidly he drew and paid attention to the largest movement and shape of the figure. In order to create sculpture, you have to see the abstract shapes of light and dark, the negative space and the overall geometric simplifications that make up all forms in space. In order to sculpt realistically, you need to see and think abstractly. These drawings are a way to see into Rodin's way of approaching the figure and what is most important when capturing the figure in space. Thing of associations besides anatomical details when laying out a figure, think of rectangles, ovoids, circes, S curves, arcs, lines that connect from top to bottom and the sub-rhythms that carry your eye across a form slowly. Remember it is not different than music in the way it is composed. Large themes, sub-themes, large movements, sub-movements, etc.
I show these drawings because many of you are familiar with Rodin's work and know he can sculpt with anatomical accuracy but those details are subordinate and serve the impact of the shape and overall form and gesture.
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